About Us
Inauguration of IABC General Assembly
The IRAN-ASEAN BUSINESS COUNCIL (IABC) stands strictly as non-political, non-racial & non-religious entity that suits our current era of a globalized world and nations relating to trade activities.
with a specific aim to promote trades between two countries, namely Iran & Malaysia, which will gradually expand to the ASEAN region through better understanding of one another country’s business laws and requirements, business practices, customs and culture in conducting businesses in those respective countries.

With the economic sanctions against Iran being lifted, there will be huge frozen assets of Iran in other countries, flowing back inside to Iran. These capital will undoubtedly fuel the trading activities of Iran, and it will also be meant for mega infrastructure development spilling across all sectors of industries like oil and gas, railways, minerals exploration, travel, etc. Besides, from mid-January 2016 onwards, the trades between Iran and other countries will surely flourish. In this new economic development that presents enormous opportunities for the Malaysian businessmen, and also for the Iranian businessmen who wish to expand their businesses to Malaysia or ASEAN region.
Currently, there are about 50,000 people that make up of the entire Iranian community in Malaysia, and this number would certainly increase if we factor in the Iranian community in the ASEAN region. Currently both Malaysia and Iran enjoy a bilateral trade value of about a billion dollar annually, and this figure would continue to grow steadily, as Iran opens up its economy to the world after economic sanctions against them lifted. Besides, Malaysia and Iran have also cooperated in a number of large industrial projects, many of them in the energy sector. In December 2007, the two signed a US$6 Billion deal to develop areas of Iran’s offshore gas fields.
The IRAN-ASEAN Business Council also aims at facilitating trades between Iran and Malaysia through Public listed companies (PLCs), Government linked companies (GLCs), Semi-Medium industries (SMIs) & Semi Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and expanded to trade activities with other ASEAN countries.
Through business dialogue, brainstorming session, discussions, exchanging of business information amongst our members, we believe that it will pave an effective way that can ultimately bring to fruition in terms of the viable projects that can be undertaken by our members, or areas of collaboration in our members’ respective industry. Our Business Council aims at providing a facilitation platform that all business parties involved will ultimately be in a win-win manner, whereby every deal being carried out amongst our members, will adhere to good ethical standards of efficiency, honesty, transparency and integrity.
We welcome your enquiries through the phone or email and you may also schedule an appointment with us so that we may share ideas, resources and meaningful connections for smooth bilateral trades and business between two countries and more. More importantly, many businessmen are currently undergoing serious planning and implementation to venture into Iran through our IRAN-ASEAN Business Council, we therefore welcome all of you for your enquiries and appointments. Our Business Council will also periodically extend invitation to you on our upcoming legitimate and official events so that you will have more genuine, accurate and important business networks through our business council.