The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, YB Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar, will be undertaking official visits to the Republic of Turkey,

the State of Qatar and the Islamic Republic of Iran from 31 March to 6 April 2021. These visits underscore the great importance Malaysia

attaches to our relations and partnerships with the three countries in West Asia. YB Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar will be accompanied by officials

from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs is scheduled to hold meetings with his counterparts and other relevant stakeholders in Turkey, Qatar and Iran. High on the agenda is the enhancement of the already strong multi-faceted collaboration, including the post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery, as well as the exchange of views on regional and international issues of mutual concern.

The official visits will be subjected to strict Covid-19 preventative standard operating procedure (SOP) as agreed upon by the Ministry of

Health (MOH), National Security Council (NSC) as well as the relevant health authorities in Turkey, Qatar and Iran.

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