Jun 14, 2021 | Upcoming Events
Dear Members, We would like to invite you to the online B2B meeting titled ‘Edible Bird’s Nest Trade’. This meeting will focus on looking at the history of edible bird’s nests, how they are harvested, and the benefits of bird’s nests...
Jun 8, 2021 | Upcoming Events
Keynote Speaker: Areej Taufik Senior Executive (Food & Nutrition) Science and Environment Division Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) Key Highlights of this webinar series * This series highlights the various food applications of palm oil and its fractions, and its...
May 21, 2021 | Upcoming Events
Keynote Speaker : Jimmy Lee- CEO of Foodie Box Group Date: 27 May 2021@3pm Learn about the sustainable production of food with renewable resources. Market challenges for the use of nanomaterials in packaging. Foodie Box Group has been received an award for ‘Most...
Apr 8, 2021 | Online Business Solution
SEF provides assistance to Malaysian Service Providers (MSPs) to undertake activities to expand and venture into the international market. The assistance is extended in the form of reimbursable grant. The grant disbursed is according to the maximum amount of each...